Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • The 2 Things Customers Really Want


    First is to be treated well. Second is to get the expected result. To help explain these two things, the following scenario will help: Yetunde wants to withdraw money over the counter from her bank account. We might consider the service to have the following stages, in order: Arrival at the bank Reception at the revolving security door Waiting to withdraw Interaction with the cashier while withdrawing Cash collected Departure She had gone to the bank and withdrawn money. Here […]

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  • The service quality factors for competitive advantage


    The service quality factors are those attributes of service about which customers may have expectations and which need to be delivered at some specified level. They vary from organization to organization and also from customer to customer, so it is difficult to capture every aspect of service quality for every organization. However, the following is a good attempt that can help organizations start to define, deliver and measure service quality: access, aesthetics, attentiveness/helpfulness, availability, care, cleanliness, comfort, commitment, communication, competence, […]

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  • 2 Gaps that Dissatisfy Customers


    Satisfaction is the result of customers’ assessment of a service based on a comparison of their perception of service delivery with their prior expectations. (see Figure 1 below).       Figure 1 If the customers’ perception of the service matches their expectations then they should be satisfied. If their perception of the service exceeds their expectations then they will be more than satisfied, even delighted. If their perception of the service does not meet their expectations then they may […]

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  • The service wrap: wrapping for competitive advantage


    There is always the effort by commercial organizations to be leaders in their industry and increase their market share. In other words, every organization always tries to win over another’s customers by offering something of greater value or by other means. Competition is normal. In fact it is good in that it drives performance and innovation in organizations and benefits the customers. While farsighted organizations plot their way through the maze of competition to a strategic advantage, organizations that ignore […]

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  • What’s your organization’s value equation?


    Service is an intangible and insubstantial commodity and its value is expected to be self-evident. However, for service organizations, there is difficulty in understanding value as experienced by customers. This can be simplified with the value equation which is shown below: R – Result This is the primary need of the customer. If I want to go to Abuja from Lagos, it’s just travel from A to B. Nothing more – nothing less. P – Process We can achieve the […]

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